Daniela Massi
University of Florence, Italy

Daniela Massi, MD, PhD, is Professor of Pathology at the University of Florence Medical School, Italy and currently serves as Director of the Division of Histopathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy. Trained in dermatopathology at the Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia (PA), she was a Post-Doctoral Research fellowship from the American-Italian Cancer Foundation and obtained the ICDP-UEMS International Board Certification in Dermatopathology. Her internationally recognized contribution to dermatopathology is witnessed by several positions in scientific societies, journals or institutions, including the Executive Committee of the International Society of Dermatopathology (member 1997-2003), Dermatopathology Working Group of the European Society of Pathology (Chair 2007-2011), the Melanoma Pathology Group – European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) (Chair 2017-today), President Elect Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI) for the years 2026-2028. She was for a 6-years term (2017-2022) Editor-in-Chief of the Virchows Archiv – The European Journal Pathology.
Dr. Daniela Massi with a unique clinical expertise in melanoma pathology has authored more than 400 publications (H-index 57, Scopus) on the identification of tissue prognostic and biomarkers and the pharmacological modulation of the tumor microenvironment in melanoma patients. She has been Volume Editor of ‘Pathology & Genetics of Skin Tumours‘ of World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours Blue Book series, 4th edition, and serves as member of the Expert Panel of the 5th edition.